(408) 440-6060
Reid Matsuoka
I've always been fascinated by buildings. As a youngster, when most of my peers wanted to be firemen, my career ambition was to be an architect. Yea, I was that weird kid in fourth grade reading the book on Frank Lloyd Wright when everyone else was into Star Wars. I once made a really intricate scale model of Falling Water out of toothpicks (like I said, weird). To this day, I still enjoy looking at uniquely shaped structures, give me something with character.
Fast forward through high school and college (a Cognitive Science major at UC San Diego if you're curious) and you find me as the sole proprietor of my own appraisal business. Somewhere along the way I started to become curious about what other people thought about buildings. I wondered what features made a property more popular, and as a result worth more. Do people pay more for location or size? What amenities have the greatest return on investment? What about solar panels? I wanted to know it all. Appraisals were great; I got to see the insides of thousands of homes in a huge range of prices, and each was a unique puzzle that I had to figure out. Life was good.
But then I started to notice something. I would start to linger after my appraisal inspections, talking to homeowners, sometimes for up to an hour, about the market, real estate in general, and schools most specifically. This soon became the highlight of my (professional) day and I began to dread having to actually type up the report. At around the same time, I had a number of good friends who started their own home search. Wanting to be as helpful as possible (without misrepresenting my role) I was happy to provide them with information and watched as they went through their own process of finding a home. Seeing their joy at finding a home in which to start their families, I suppose it sparked a desire in me to serve a greater purpose in life. As an appraiser, ultimately I worked for the banks as a sort of risk mitigator. I didn't want to be a "cog in the machine" any more.
So I became a realtor. Buying and selling a home is often a very emotional process. It can be amongst the biggest decisions a person or family makes in life. It's a decision on where to set down roots and build memories. Being a part of this process is one that I take very seriously and with a great deal of pride. My clients aren't just numbers; they are husbands, wives, kids, parents, young professionals, and retirees. . .and I love helping them all.
“Reid’s my agent for life, he’s the only honest agent in the Bay Area I know and trust.”
University of California San Diego - Cognitive Science B.S. w/specialty in Human Computer Interaction
CA Real Estate Broker - BRE #01835256
Certified Residential Appraiser - OREA #AR038694
FAA Remote Pilot (drone operator) - FAA #4209720
Course Work
Property Management
Statistics, Modeling & Finance
CA Real Estate Principles
Advanced Residential Application
Appraisal Elective
Nuts and Bolts of Green Building
Oddball Appraisals
Construction Details and Trends
CA Laws and Regulations
Residential Report Writing
Mortgage Fraud- Protect Yourself
Residential Appraisal Review
CAR PRDS Contract Writing
All About Disclosures
Negotiating Win-Win Agreements
Protecting Your Client
Real Estate Appraisal
USPAP Appraisal Regulations
Real Estate Principles
Real Estate Practice
Real Estate Finance
CA Laws and Regulations
Legal Aspects of Real Estate