Welcome to my blog dedicated to keeping you informed about Silicon Valley real estate. You wont find any advertisements for specific properties here, on no, this space will be dedicated solely to providing concise and interesting happenings within the world of real estate. You can expect:
Market updates with facts figures and analysis.
Construction updates on the newest interesting real estate developments in our area.
Information on the newest trends and fads coming to the housing market.
All designed so you can nerd out with me on all things housing. Within this space, I pledge never to subject you to:
Annoying advertisements. I’m sure you all know how fast and for how much a house can sell for in the Bay Area. Unless it’s your house…it’s usually not relevant to you.
Ego boosts. The only person who unequivocally thinks I’m the “Best #1 Realtor in all the world” is my mom, and she already bought a house.
Spiders. Nobody likes spiders. (apologies to any arachnophiles reading this blog)
So that’s it. I hope to make this a safe and interesting space where we can talk about new and exciting developments in housing. If this is your jam, I’d appreciate your support. Like, subscribe, share, yell from a mountain top, tweet X…x?…what are we even calling this now.